124 S. Main St. Suite 2, Maquoketa, lA 52060

Leadership Maquoketa

2022 Leadership Maquoketa Cohort with IEDA/IFA Director Debi Durham, Local City and County officials and the leadership Maquoketa planning committee
2022 Leadership Maquoketa Cohort with IEDA/IFA Director Debi Durham, Local City and County officials and the leadership Maquoketa planning committee

Leadership Maquoketa is a program developed by the Chamber to foster the growth of leaders in the Maquoketa area. It will help prepare leaders to be effective stewards for our community’s future and also supports the Chambers mission to support & strengthen member success, which enhances the quality of life, economic well-being & opportunities in the community.

The five-month program curriculum offers a view of Maquoketa from different vantage points, heightens participant awareness of current community conditions and issues, enhances individual and group leadership skills, helps participants see themselves as partners for change, and provides them with tools focused on developing themselves.

The diverse topics of Leadership Maquoketa sessions include – agriculture, education, government, healthcare, community resources, economic development, industry/manufacturing, recreation/leisure, and other pertinent subjects. Each session features unique interactive experiences, discussions with industry experts, collaborative group activities, industry tours, networking opportunities and more.

Leadership Maquoketa offers participants the opportunity to not only gain current, relevant knowledge about the city in which we live and work, but also form life-long friendships with their classmates. We try to create a strongly connected network of individuals who are enriched both personally and professionally from this unique experience.

Photos from our 2022 Program

Program Flyer

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Program Application

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Program Fee & Sponsorship Flyer

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